About Us


KOMAN Environmental Assessment Services, LLC (KEAS), located in Richland, Washington, provides high-quality environmental science, field technology, and other technical services to help our clients meet often-complex environmental regulations, policies, and other challenges while maintaining operational objectives.

We are a small Alaska Native Corporation (ANC)-owned business certified under the Small Business Administration 8(a) program and part of the KOMAN Holdings family of companies.

Our technical support staff includes specialists in operations, safety, finance, contracts, business administration, and communications, who help ensure our high standards are maintained.



Primary NAICS – 541620 Environmental Consulting Services

  • 115310 Support Activities for Forestry
  • 213112 Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations
  • 483212 Inland Water Passenger Transportation
  • 541330 Engineering Services
  • 541360 Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services
  • 541370 Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services
  • 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
  • 541715 Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)
  • 541720 Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities
  • 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • 561210 Facilities Support Services
  • 561320 Temporary Help Services
  • 561730 Landscaping Services
  • 562910 Remediation Services
  • 712190 Nature Parks and Other Similar Institutions

Cage Code: 353Z2

Contracting with KEAS

A contract with KOMAN Environmental Assessment Services, LLC nets the government or a Prime Contractor the procurement benefit of Best-Value products, PLUS the contracting efficiencies and financial benefits of employing an Alaska Native Corporation SBA 8(a) participant. KEAS’ unique capabilities provide cost-effective savings for our Clients. Our assets such as our state-of-the-art sampling equipment & technologies and our fleet of vessels allow us to keep all aspects of the scope in-house and self-performing.

As a Prime Contractor, we have efficiently planned and smoothly executed contracts employing a score of sub-contractors, and incorporating multiple change orders.

As a Subcontractor, we seamlessly integrate our efforts with those of the Prime and other Sub-contractors on the project.



Sole-Source Set-Asides and Contract Awards:
  • Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act authorizes federal set-asides and sole-source contract awards to socially and economically disadvantaged small businesses.
Streamlined Contracting Process:
  • Sole-source 8(a) program procurement reduces the time and expense for federal agencies to award a contract.
Exception from Total Dollar Threshold:
  • ANCs are exempt from the total standard 8(a) threshold limit of competitive and direct awards.
  • ANCs do not have a total dollar maximum [13 CFR 124.519(a)].
Full Protection from 8(a) Direct Award Contract Protests
  • The code of federal regulations prevents challenges to sole-source contracts to ANC 8(a) firms by another 8(a) participant or any other party, either to the Small Business Administration or any other administrative forum as part of a bid or other contract protest [13 CFR 124.517(a)].
Exemption from Sole-Source Dollar Thresholds:
  • ANCs are exempt from the standard 8(a) competitive threshold limits.
  • KEAS may receive a sole-source (direct award) contracts up to $100 million without justification & approval (J&A) for less than full and open competition; no limit with a J&A [13 CFR 124.506(b)]
Speed and Thrift in Awarding Contracts.
  • The government’s Contracting Officers (C.O.) are faced with declining budgets and a growing backlog of contracts that those budgets are to support. Consequently, they require both speed and thrift in awarding contracts to qualified vendors. But, the cost of awarding a contract through competitive bidding can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars and take up to nine months to complete. By contrast, a single-source, Direct Award to an ANC 8(a) typically costs a fraction of that amount and often can be completed in 4-6 weeks.
Ensuring Competitive Overhead and General & Administrative Cost Rates.
  • Because Alaska Native Corporations such as KEAS are large enough and efficient enough to ensure competitive Overhead and General & Administrative cost rates, the C.O. risks little in that regard. And, by using the ALPHA Contracting model, the government and its contractor develop a transparent relationship wherein the C.O. is virtually guaranteed the ability to negotiate a fair and reasonable price with few of the uncertainties associated with the competitive bidding process.
  • The Direct Award process, properly executed, can be an exceptionally cost-effective and operationally-efficient alternative to competitive acquisition.
Small Business Utilization and Inventive Rebates of up to 5% of the total contract value.
  • Direct Awards to ANC 8(a) participants such as KEAS generally cannot be protested {13CFR124.517(a)}. Against the extended delays resulting from protests to hotly-contested awards, this advantage alone can save a Contracting Officer many weeks of uncertainty before project start-up. Awards by U.S. Government activities or Prime Contractors to Alaska Native Corporations such as KEAS may be eligible for Incentive Rebates of up to 5% of the total contract value, under the Indian Incentive Program {FAR 26.1}. Also, a contract or sub-contract with KEAS helps a Contracting Officer or Prime Contractor meet its mandatory Small Business Utilization requirement.


If a solicitation has not been announced, a Contracting Officer can, through 13 CFR 124.506(b), contract directly with KEAS. To get started, simply submit a letter to the Small Business Administration District Office in Anchorage, Alaska indicating an intent to offer a Direct/Single-Source Award to KEAS, LLC, under the SBA Section 8(a) Business Development Program.

This process enables our federal clients to easily negotiate contracts and address specific objectives, all at minimum cost and in minimum time.

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